

05 november 2019

Jesus Christ Bix, Amy & family,

What a drama !  Tears are flowing reading this news…
While you are helping the world to prepare for a great drama to come, you are being hit with the greatest drama a person can encounter.
I, and with me all my followers (in bcc), feel the pain and sorrow that overwhelms you.
Please hang on tight now yourself, to overcome this horrible period.
As much as we can, we will bear the grief that hit your family, to soften the pain.
We hold Toby in our prayers and carry his torch on the Road to Roota !
We love you, Bix !
Geert De Vleeschouwer
Nijverheidsstraat 15
B-9620  Zottegem

Op 5 nov. 2019, om 19:47 heeft Bix Weir <Dit E-mail adres wordt beschermd tegen spambots. U moet JavaScript geactiveerd hebben om het te kunnen zien.> het volgende geschreven:
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of our youngest son, Toby Weir.
Toby was such a beautiful and sensitive being that gave so much to the world and had so much more that he could have given. Unfortunately, he chose to end his own life. We are devastated.
Although we know his soul still exists and thrives in the higher realms (helping us!), he will be profoundly missed here on Earth.
Please hold him in your prayers and carry his torch on the Road to Roota as we take time to grieve his passing.
Love to all,
Bix, Amy & Family

PO Box 10626, Oakland, CA 94610, USA

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